How can I add NASDAQ and the S&P 500 to the iPhone stocks widget?
Several users have asked both here at iPhoneFAQ and on a variety of discussion forums how to add NASDAQ and the S&P 500 indexes to their iPhone's stock widget. The Dow Jones Industrial average is included on the iPhone by default using the symbol ^DJI.
You can add the NASDAQ and S&P 500 using the following symbols:
S&P 500: ^GSPC
Thanks to b_behringer, an Apple Discussion Forums user, for the answer.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Very helpful, Thanks!
Jeff Quah replied on Permalink
How can I add SHANGHAI COMPOSITE INDEX and SHENZEN COMPOSITE INDEX in my iPhone stocks widget?
Jeff Halmos replied on Permalink
Search for ".sse" and you'll see some ridiculous thing like .000001 blah blah.
Denise replied on Permalink
This was so helpful when I was walking a customer through adding S & P to their iPhone 5s!
Cody3thumbs replied on Permalink
Sorry, not sure how old this thread is but do these symbols also work on the iPhone6? I could probably check for myself, but since I've already gotten this far, maybe someone else might have the same question and this could be a time saver for them. Thanks in advance.