Where can I download 4.x firmware files for the iPhone 3G?
Apple's iPhone 3G shipped with the iPhone 2.0.0 operating system and runs firmware version 4.x with some limitations. On your computer, right-click the link below to download the official firmware restore file.
iPhone 3G firmware version 4.0.0 can be found here: iPhone1,2_4.0_8A293_Restore.ipsw
iPhone 3G 4.0.1: iPhone1,2_4.0.1_8A306_Restore.ipsw
iPhone 3G 4.0.2: iPhone1,2_4.0.2_8A400_Restore.ipsw
iPhone 3G 4.1.0: iPhone1,2_4.1_8B117_Restore.ipsw
iPhone 3G 4.2.1: iPhone1,2_4.2.1_8C148_Restore.ipsw
Apple has announced that iOS firmware versions later than 4.2.1 will not be supported on the iPhone 3G hardware.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
when downloading the file, what do I open it with? it suggests itunes...but that doesn't seem to do anything
Anonymous replied on Permalink
change the file extension from (.zip) to (.ipsw) without the brackets of course.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I Download it as an ispw am i dl'n the right one here?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Same results for me. Looked all over Itunes and dont see it
Anonymous replied on Permalink
It won't be in itunes. Find the folder or location where you download the ipsw. Then when you open up redsnow (the jailbreak software), you need to click on "extra" then select ipsw. Find the file that you just downloaded and it will begin to help you jailbreak the iphone.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
i choosed the ipsw but it says nothing to be choosed help me please :S
kamel replied on Permalink
slt tu tu le monde
daniel replied on Permalink
if download the 4.2.1 is this going to change my base band because i need the unlock in my iphone 3G it is currently running the 4.1
yani achmadyani replied on Permalink
My iphon 3G need updet
Kothanmay replied on Permalink
jody replied on Permalink
I did what you said but it goes "it will be used for the rest of this redsn0w session"
Anonymous replied on Permalink
update required
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I update required
nick_827 replied on Permalink
will updating erase all my save pics, data, apps, recordings, and contacts pls reply
Jeanie Oliver replied on Permalink
I need help download ios 7.0 on my new AT&T apple iPhone 3
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Try pressing alt while clicking restore. Then find your file of ispw
ani_722000 replied on Permalink
when download any thing from iphone store after click on instal after some time phone ask me for ios 4.3. require plz help me what can i do...............?
tufailkhan replied on Permalink
new firmware
Anonymous replied on Permalink
How to upgrade my iPhone 3G because even facebook I can't use on my phone
Nilesh replied on Permalink
you got a answer pls tell mi this id how to install facebook & Whatsup Application pls tell mi
Cecilia Jaquez replied on Permalink
I would like facebook on my Iphone 3
Nilesh replied on Permalink
You got answer pls tell mi how to install I phone 3g Application
shakeel replied on Permalink
when download any thing from iphone store after click on instal after some time phone ask me for ios 4.3. require plz help me what can i do...............?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I am waiting for your reply
Prince replied on Permalink
Not able to download any application it's asking for iOS 4.3
Ravi replied on Permalink
Please help me I'm suffring with this iphone iam not able to instal anything from any website if I give instal there is asking ios 4 required pls help me and if I try to update the firmware online is showing download failure please help me
Dok replied on Permalink
i have tried to download facebook app on my iphone 3gs but it requires iOS 4.3 . how can i make it work. i'm not good at program plzzzz
Radoi nicusor cosmin replied on Permalink
Pula mea
Jose cardoso replied on Permalink
I need to download iOS 4.3 please help me sir,thanks.
Selim Eid Selim replied on Permalink
I Ned iOS 4.3 for iphone3G