Submitted by Marshall Walker on
On Friday, Apple launched iOS 4.3.4 to patch a vulnerability that allowed hackers to remotely take over iOS devices. Unfortunately, this security risk was also the same PDF exploit used by Comex to release JailbreakMe 3.0 a little over a week ago. Not a big deal if you stuck with iOS 4.3.3, but for those of you who didn't get the memo, there is a savior in the form of a tethered jailbreak. Not as good, but better than nothing.

Redmond Pie released a tutorial on how to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad (sorry doesn't work for the iPad 2) and iPod touch running iOS 4.3.4.
You’ll need PwnageTool 4.3.3, iOS 4.3.4 firmware, iTunes 10.3.1, Mac OS X, PwnageTool bundles for iOS 4.3.4 and tetheredboot utility. You can get all these and directions on how to use them by visiting Redmond Pie.
Heather Blisten replied on Permalink
man i really wanted to jailbreak my ipad 2, well atleast kittyra1n has a jailbreak out for 4.3.4 but its also tethered, here in case anyone needs them
Heres the iphone 4 guide
for the 3GS,
for verizon iphone
for ipod touch 3G and 4G
and for the iPad, Tweet and repost this out people so everyone knowz