Where can I download iOS 5.x firmware files for the CDMA iPhone 4?
Apple is offering the iOS 5 update for existing Verizon iPhone 4 users free of charge. The company will also continue shipping new 8GB iPhone 4 models with iOS 5 already installed. On your computer, right-click the link below to download the official firmware restore file.
Verizon iPhone 4 firmware version 5.0 can be found here: iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw
Verizon iPhone 4 iOS 5.0.1: iPhone3,3_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
Verizon iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.0: iPhone3,3_5.1_9B176_Restore.ipsw
Verizon iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.1: iPhone3,3_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw
Looking for AT&T iPhone 4 firmware files? Find them here.