Submitted by Marshall Walker on
iPhone developer and jailbreak specialist pod2g recently disabled comments on his jailbreaking blog, but he did take the time to respond to some of the serious inquiries he has received in the past.

Here are his answers to the top four frequently asked questions about his upcoming A5 jailbreak.
How could pod2g have an untethered 4S and dev teams still haven't released tools to achieve this at home?
The exploit I used to inject the untethering files to the 4S relies on having a developer account, and can't be released publicly. It's the same reason why @MuscleNerd has an iPad 2 tethered jailbreak but couldn't distribute it. So, we need to find a distributable exploit to remount the system partition read/write and to set Corona files at the correct places.
Why A4 version of Corona was easier to release?Because a tethered jailbreak is a good way to install Corona!
Newest iPhone FAQs
Why don't you do a tethered jailbreak then?
A tethered jailbreak also relies on an exploitable vulnerability that we still haven't found yet!
pod2g, release this stuff quick, [your insult here], I've waited enough now!
If I could, I would!
Yesterday, pod2g tweeted that the long awaited iPhone 4S and iPad 2 jailbreak was only about a week away from a public release. His A4 untethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak has already been available for over a week. You can click here for complete iOS 5.0.1 redsn0w jailbreak instructions on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G.