Animate Your iPhone Lock Screen (Tweaks)

Now you can easily animate your iPhone lock screen and have hundreds of different animations to choose from right away. The tweak is called AnimateLockscreen and it comes to us from the BigBoss repo on Cydia for $1.00.

BootLogo Mario animation

Once installed there are several options and any BootLogo addon can be downloaded and used for the lock screen animation. Pictured here is a still from the Mario BootLogo, where Mario jumps up to reveal the Apple logo.

Once installed, you can control AnimateLockscreen from the Settings. When changing the animation you must respring, but otherwise you can change the speed and even determine whether or not the battery shows up when charging. You can resize or move the battery icon, or remove it entirely.

BootLogo animation lockscreen

To show the lock screen animation, Animation must be set to ON and Show Only in Charging must be set to OFF. Some users have reported problems with some of the downloaded BootLogos. What happens is that after installing a BootLogo and choosing the animation in Settings, the iPhone resprings and drops in to Safe Mode.

When this happens, you can easily fix the problem. While in Safe Mode open Cydia and navigate to Manage -> Packages. Remove the BootLogo you tried to install that crashed your iPhone. Respring and your lock screen animation will return to the default Apple logo animation.


You could also use my tutorial to make your own animated lockscreen,

Simply follow the tutorial to learn how to use a gif image as your lockscreen. This will mean your not limited to the themes in the app either!