Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Manually adjusting the brightness of your iPhone screen can be inconvenient. Even on a jailbroken device with SBSettings, it takes a few steps to kick the brightness up or down with an on-screen slider. Now thanks to the Cydia tweak BrightVol, the side volume buttons can easily be used to adjust display brightness on the iPhone.

What makes this tweak so useful is that it won't interfere with normal operation of the volume buttons when needed. BrightVol is configured by default to use an Activator gesture to switch the volume buttons over to brightness. Just press both the up and down volume buttons at the same time, then you can adjust the brightness up or down.
Just in case you forget to switch back to volume control, BrightVol will automatically switch back from brightness controls after 30 seconds, returning your side volume buttons to normal. There's also a built-in feature that will reset the Activator gesture to the default if you change it and forget.
Quick, physical button access to brightness control from anywhere is incredibly convenient when you need it. The best part about BrightVol is the tweak can be downloaded from the BigBoss repo on Cydia free of charge. HASHBANG Productions, the developer of BrightVol has also released FlagPaint to match banner notifications to their app icon colors. FlagPaint is available on Cydia for $0.99.