Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Sure, maybe we would have come up with a different name. Regardless, SafariSwipez does exactly what it's meant to do. Closing extra Safari tabs can be troublesome, since you have to aim for and tap that little red 'X' in the corner. Yes it works, but there's a better way.

With the SafariSwipez tweak installed on your jailbroken iOS device a simple swipe up or down accomplishes the same thing. One-finger swipes are versatile, quick, and in this case implemented in a place where the gesture improves the experience. After all, you're already swiping left and right to switch tabs, why not up or down to close?
SafariSwipez fades the Safari tab out of existence and if you perform the swipe slowly, you can reverse direction if you change your mind. The tweak has no settings to configure. If for some reason you don't like SafariSwipez, restoring the little red buttons is as simple as removing the package using Cydia.
SafariSwipez is available on Cydia from the BigBoss repo free of charge. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 6.x with evasi0n. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.