Submitted by Anders Batten on
Evad3rs member pod2g has confirmed there will be no more jailbreaks for iOS 6. This means iPhone and iPad owners who would like to keep their devices jailbroken are stuck with iOS 6.1.2 until iOS 7 is released. This does not mean jailbreaking is dead like some Apple blogs are leading people to believe. Anyone who has previously jailbroken their device knows they will eventually get stuck using an older version of iOS. This is just how the process works.

Apple is expected to announce iOS 7 at its WWDC event sometime in June. While an official date has yet to be announced, some developers believe the event will be held on June 10-14th, based on a gap in in the Moscone Center calendar. It wouldn't make much sense for the evad3rs to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 with the next big version looming right around the corner.
The good news is Chronic Dev Team member p0sixninja and the evad3rs both have said they are holding on to enough exploits to possibly build a new jailbreak. Exposing these exploits before iOS 7 is officially released would be a mistake because it would give Apple a chance to close them.
Apple is expected to launch iOS 7 sometime in the fall along with its next-generation iPhone.