Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Picking music tracks when the tunes are playing normally takes a few steps when your iPhone is locked. Skipping tracks is easily accomplished using the lock screen music controls. But the thing that takes time is actually going and selecting a song or picking a track from a different album directly. Now thanks to the free jailbreak tweak Pluck, there's a new shortcut.

Pluck integrates with the lock screen music controls on your iOS device, making it possible to choose a new song, playlist or album in the stock music app without unlocking. Simply double-tap the home button to bring up the music controls, and with Pluck installed an add music button appears along with the pause, skip and AirPlay buttons.
Pluck has settings that make it possible to disable the tweak without uninstalling the package. You can also decide if you want the add music button to appear on the right or left hand side of the lock screen. Multiple songs can also be selected and will play on-the-go.
Another added feature of Pluck is the ability to bring up the music selection screen with an activator gesture. This is great since it means you can access your song library from anywhere on your device with a custom gesture, eliminating the need to open the Music app to pick another song.
Pluck is available on Cydia from the ModMyi repo free of charge. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 6.x with evasi0n. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.