Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
There is nothing worse than waiting for the sequel to your favorite game, only to find out that the developer completely changed it. Kingdom Rush fans will be happy to know this is not the case with Kingdom Rush Frontiers. The sequel to the hit tower defense game features all the towers, monsters, power-ups and same gameplay as the original. Ironhide Game Studios delivered exactly what fans wanted, a bigger and badder version of Kingdom Rush. Fans of the original are going to want to download the sequel as soon as possible, and tower defense junkies are not going to want pass this one up. Kingdom Rush Frontiers is the best iOS tower defense game I have played this year.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers features all new levels, Easter eggs, side missions, monsters and tower upgrades. New features include the addition of heros that you can unlock and upgrade, and a shop for buying helpful items to aid you in battle. There are three free heros, who were previewed before the game's release, and five heros you can buy. It does kind of suck that you don't have access to all the heros after paying $3 for the game, but $3 is pretty cheap for a game of this caliber, and everything else is free.

The gameplay is just as fun, addictive and as challenging as the original. This is not the kind of tower defense game where you sit around doing nothing. Both Kingdom Rush games require strategy, timing and feature plenty to do while playing the game. I can't recommend Kingdom Rush Frontiers enough!
The game is available now for the iPod touch and iPhone for $2.99 and in HD for $4.99 for the iPad.