Submitted by Frank Macey on
Now that the App Store is turning five years old, Apple is celebrating by offering 10 top iOS app titles for free. No less than five landmark games and five groundbreaking apps will be free to download and install for a limited time. July 10 marks five years since the App Store first opened in 2008.

While the store originally launched with 500 apps, there are currently 900,000 apps to choose from. Apple has also posted a timeline of milestones in the history of the iOS App Store. On June 10, more than $10 billion was paid out to developers, and on May 16 the store marked over 50 billion individual downloads.
The list of free apps includes gaming favorites such as Infinity Blade II and Tiny Wings. Or try your hand at mixing with Traktor DJ or cooking with How to Cook Everything. The App Store's fifth birthday will save quite a few bucks for those who don't already own the apps on the list. Traktor DJ alone normally retails for $19.99.
Groundbreaking apps:
Barefoot World Atlas
Day One (Journal / Diary)
How to Cook Everything
Traktor DJ for iPhone
Infinity Blade II
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Tiny Wings
Where's My Water?
Visit the App Store on iTunes to download these 10 free apps before the deal ends. Stay tuned to see if Apple has any other surprises planned around the App Store five year anniversary.