How do I stop receiving notifications / reminders from Star Wars Tiny Death Star?
While a lot of fun, Star Wars Tiny Death Star can get pretty annoying with all the notifications and reminders it pushes to you. The developer promises that updating to version 1.2.2 will result in you receiving fewer notifications from your Death Star, but here's how to stop receiving them completely.
Stop receiving Notifications from your Death Star
Navigate to Settings > Notifications and scroll down until you find the "In Notification Center" section, then tap the "tinydeathstart" icon. Tap the Notification Center slider to "OFF" (iOS 6 or earlier) or grey (iOS 7 or later) to disable alerts. This works for any apps that are sending you notifications.
Stop receiving Reminders from your Death StarOpen the Tiny Death Star app and navigate to the Menu, then tap the little wrench at the top of your display. Remove the check in the box next REMINDERS to disable this feature.
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Now your Death Star will be a whole lot quieter.