Submitted by Jon Reed on
The new iOS 7 App Switcher leaves a lot of room for improvement and there are several tweaks out there that let you customize it a bit. SlideForUsage gives you information on each app's usage, while SwipeDown lets you close apps by, you guessed it, swiping down. If you prefer the iOS 6 App Switcher, you can download ClassicSwitcher.

You can download SlideForUsage for free from Cydia's modmyi repository. Once you have it installed you can go to Settings->SlideForUsage. Your only option is to change the color of the text that the information is displayed with. With this tweak installed you can now go to the App Switcher and slide an app preview card down to
reveal usage information. It will tell you when the app was last opened and how long it was used for that particular time. It also tells you the total usage time since the app was first installed (or since the tweak was installed, since that's when it starts keeping track). If you pull down the the Home Screen card it will show you when the last time the device was rebooted.
SwipeDown is a free download found in Cydia's BigBoss repo. This is pretty straightforward, without the tweak you swipe app cards up off the screen to kill the app. With the tweak you can swipe them down off the screen for the same result (and you can still swipe up). SwipeDown is only for devices running iOS 7.
If you don't like the iOS 7 App Switcher you can always go back to the iOS 6 style switcher with ClassicSwitcher, which is in the BigBoss repo and costs $0.99. This tweak not only gives you the iOS 6 style switcher, but some extra features as well. You can have multiple rows of apps rather than the single row and you can enable a way to close all apps at once. There are also a number of cosmetic tweaks included.