Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Quick access to the dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia is now possible directly from the iOS Control Center. Developer ravirajm has updated the original Define widget, which can be installed from Cydia on jailbroken devices. Define for iOS 7 uses CCLoader to add slick, convenient reference access to the Control Center.

Once installed, Define must be moved to the Enabled Sections in CCLoader. This will add a Dictionary shortcut to Control Center, which can be placed anywhere on the panel. When tapped, a dialog box pops up with the enabled references listed under a text box. Enter the word or term and select Dictionary, Wikipedia or Thesaurus.
Results from the built-in iOS 7 dictionary, Wikipedia or are delivered immediately without having to exit the current app. This means references can be checked quickly and exited once the required information has been read, without all of the hassle of navigating to another app or opening a web browser. iOS 7 dictionary results provide a Search Web button in case additional research is needed.
Since Define for iOS 7 is integrated into the Control Center, users who have Control Center accessible from the lock screen can access Define from the lock screen as well. No need to unlock the iPhone every time information is needed from these three references. The thesaurus option can be enabled by navigating to Settings -> Define -> Thesaurus -> ON (green slider).
Define for iOS 7 is available on Cydia from the BigBoss repo for $0.99. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 7.x with evasi0n 7. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.