Submitted by Marshall Walker on
It was kind of a slow week for Apple App Store releases, so here is an early look at TinyCo's upcoming Family Guy game for mobile devices. TinyCo did not release any new details since its initial announcement, but the developer did release two screenshots that gives us a good look at what to expect from the game.

Family Guy for mobile devices is a resource management game which promises to keep the same "nothing's sacred and nothing's safe" policy as the television show. No release date has been announced.

Here's this week's look at the new apps, games and tweaks released to the App Store and Cydia (03/09/14 to 03/15/14). Apple's Free App of the Week is Darklings. The game will be free on the App Store until 03/20/14.
Astro Mined: Galactic Bombsquad! First 18 levels are free (Requires iOS 5.0 or later) Rated 4+
Astro Mined is Minesweeper with a twist. The game features cute cartoon graphics and the ability to disable mines with boulders. It is a fun puzzle solving title for people who enjoy games like Where's My Water.
Newest iPhone FAQs
Flight: $3.99 for iPod touch, iPhone and iPad (Requires iOS 7.0 or later) Rated 4+

This app allows you to track your flight status in real time and offers information on weather conditions / temperatures, gate numbers and so on....
EZ-Sync FB: $0.99 for iPod touch, iPhone and iPad (Requires iOS 7.0 or later) Rated 4+

Easily sync your friend's and family's Facbook profile pictures to your Contacts app.
Best App Store Description of the Week: Rabbitville $1.99 (Requires iOS 6.0 or later) Rated 4+

Official App Store Description:
Feed rabbits with carrots and other incredible food.
Tap their tummies to make them poo.
Shake Your phone to reveal the diamonds!!!
Collect the diamonds.
Clean up.And don't let them die ;)
More App Store Releases
- Sleepy touch: $0.99 (Universal) Nightlight app for children
- Dial+: Free w/ IAP (Universal) A dialer that extends functionality of native Phone app
- miCal: $1.99 (Universal) Calendar app
- First Strike Game: $3.99 (iPad) Nuclear war simulation game
- Silver: $3.99 (iPad) Tool for soundscape and sonic texture creation.
- Surgeon Simulator: $5.99 (iPad) Surgeon simulator game
New Cydia Tweaks
- Vertex ($1.49) Adds an app switcher to Control Center
- VideoGestures (Free) Adds gesture controls while watching video
- Asphaleia ($0.99) TouchID security tweak
- Gregorian (Free) Adds iOS 7.1 Calendars event list view to devices stuck on iOS 7.0
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Hey if you like family guy check out the Facebook page, lots of screenshot and infomation in what to exspect