Submitted by Anders Batten on
Vine users can now send video or text messages to anyone listed in their Contacts app, or to other Vine members. To send messages via the Vine app, just select the “Messages” option in the Settings menu or tap the Message button on a person's profile.

The new "VM" feature only offers the ability to start one-to-one conversations, not group chats. However, you can send as many video messages as you want, you just have to start separate conversations with each contact. Like Facebook, VM also includes two inbox options: The first option is for people you know, and the other is for "people outside your network". You can disable the option to receive messages from strangers by turning off the "Other Inbox" feature in your Settings menu.
Vine users can now also color customize their user profiles.
Vine version 2.0.0 is now free to download from the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android users. The iOS app is compatible with all devices running iOS 6.0 or later.
Vine allows users to create six-second videos to share with the Vine community. The app features unlimited uploads and the ability to share your creations on Twitter and Facebook.