How do I stop my child from downloading R-rated movies on his iPod touch/iPhone/iPad?
Apple allows parents to control what movies a child can download from iTunes based on MPAA ratings. For example, you can enable any iOS device to block NC-17 or R-rated movies. Here's how to restrict NC-17, R, PG-13 movies on your child's iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.
- Open the Settings app on the device you want to restrict.
- Navigate to General > Restrictions.
- Enter or create a four digit passcode only you will know and remember.
- Scroll down to the "Allowed Content" section.
- Tap Movies.
- Tap each rating you want to restrict. A blue check means that rating will be available to download on that device.
You can tap Don't Allow Movies if you want to block someone from downloading all movies on that device.
You can also set the country's rating system you want to use navigating to Settings > General > Restrictions > Ratings For. From here just select the rating system you want, such as United States or United Kingdom. You can then block those specific ratings by following the steps posted above.