Letterboxd is a social media film discovery platform where users can rate and review films. Members can also follow other members, keep a diary of watched films, share opinions, tag films and create watched lists. Letterboxd has been compared to GoodReads, but for film.

There does not seem to be a way to cancel your Letterboxd account through the iOS app. Instead, users must visit the online settings page using their internet browser. Once signed in, click the "Disable your account" option located in the upper right hand corner. Enter your password again then click the red "Disable Account" button.
Disabling your account will prevent you from being able to sign in. Your activity will be removed from the site and your username may potentially be claimed by another member. However, you will still need to contact Letterboxd to have your account permanently removed . Deactivated accounts can be reactivated unless you have your account permanently removed by the Letterboxd administration.