App of the Week

iOS App of the Week: Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile

Always Sunny: Gang Goes Mobile

This is more of a public service announcement than a recommendation, because recommending two tapping games in one month could ruin our credibility. We topped our tapper quota earlier this month with Cat Condo, but I feel like we would be doing our readers a disservice by not mentioning that Always Sunny in Philadelphia now has a mobile game availble on the App Store.

iOS App of the Week: Dr. Mario World

Dr. Mario World

Out of nowhere this week Nintendo released Dr. Mario World for mobile devices. This is the second iOS title to star Nintendo's mascot, Mario, the first being Super Mario Run. Unlike Super Mario Run, which was $10 for the full version, Dr. Mario World is free to download. Nintendo figured out there is more money in microtransactions than charging a one time premium fee. You can download the game from the Apple App Store.

iOS App of the Week: Cat Condo 2

Cat Condo 2

Cat Condo 2 is a therapeutic tapping title where there is no real major goal. All you do is build your own cat tower and populate it with different types of cats by combining them. You start with a basic kitty, then combine two of those to unlock a "sneaky cat," then you repeat the process over and over until you unlock all 32 cats.

iOS Game of the Week: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

The long awaited Harry Potter game from Pokémon Go creator, Niantic, is finally here. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is an augmented reality title where players are recruited by the Statute of Secrecy Task Force (SOS) to help solve the mystery of the Calamity, a worldwide phenomenon that has leaked artefacts, creatures and people into the Muggle world.

iOS App of the Week: Venmo

Venmo Icon

Venmo is a money transfering app that allows users to send funds to others via a mobile device. It is a great way to transfer money person to person when you do not have cash. Venmo can be used to split the dinner bill, or for sending your roommate money for bills and more. It is also a great payment service for vendors who are not setup to accept credit cards.


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