Apple TV App

How to cancel Apple TV Channels on iPhone

Apple TV app iOS

Now that Apple TV Channels are here, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners can explore a variety of premium channels right through the Apple TV app. Many channels offer a free trial, which automatically rolls over into a monthly paid subscription. Whether you've decided not to keep an Apple TV Channel past the free trial, or you wish to end an ongoing monthly subscription, Apple TV Channels can easily be cancelled right from the Apple TV app.

How to download HBO shows from Apple TV Channels

HBO show download iOS device

Fans who have been looking for a way to catch up on Game of Thrones and other HBO content without draining a data plan are finally in luck. The revamped Apple TV app has launched, and the only place where HBO content can be legally downloaded for viewing offline is through Apple TV Channels in this app.

Apple to launch TV app subscription service

Apple TV

Apple's long-rumored streaming television service has come one step closer to reality, according to a report from Bloomberg. Unlike earlier efforts to create a 25-channel streaming TV service in 2015, Apple is expected to deliver new services through its TV app. The TV app already offers a central place to find content from various networks on the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV.

Apple Sports section now available in iOS 11.2

Apple TV App Sports

The Apple Sports section is now availble in the stock TV app on devices running iOS 11.2 or later. The new feature delivers live scores, game alerts and simultaneous viewing. You can access the new section by tapping the Sports tab inside the TV app on your iOS device. Once your cable/satellite provider is configured, you can then select your favorite teams from the MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, and more.

Cartoon Network updated with Apple TV app support and Universal Search

Apple TV App

The Cartoon Network this week has updated its iOS app with Universal Search and Single Sign-On support. The app also now supports Apple's TV app which allows users to view their collection of Cartoon Network videos in the newly launched TV widget, and utilize the Up Next or Recommended features. The TV app was introduced last year in both iOS 10.2 and tvOS 10.1. The idea behind the app was to make watching movies and television shows easier across multiple Apple devices.


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