iOS 14

How to use Sound Recognition on iPhone

Sound Recognition iOS

Sound Recognition makes it possible to receive notifications when a particular sound is detected by a nearby iPhone. Sounds such as a fire alarm, baby crying, door bell, or water running are listened for by the iPhone and recognized by on-device analysis. Depending on which sounds are selected, Sound Recognition can be helpful for hearing difficulties or for those in particular situations like using headphones.

    Follow these steps to set up Sound Recognition on iPhone:

How to disable eye correction on FaceTime

FaceTime iOS

FaceTime has helped bring video calling into the mainstream. While video chats are convenient for call participants, they can still encounter awkward moments. Apple has tried to correct one of the main problems with FaceTime in the release of iOS 14. Eye contact correction automatically remaps the direction of your pupils during a FaceTime call, giving all callers the appearance of making direct eye contact with each other.

How to downgrade from iOS 14 on iPhone

iOS 14

While iOS 14 ranks among the more stable initial releases from Apple, there will always be some problems with beta software. Since iOS 14 continues to be under development, issues such as crashing, shorter battery life, and apps breaking can happen. If you have installed the developer or public beta version of iOS 14 and wish to downgrade to iOS 13, the iPhone can be restored to a backup or iOS 13 factory settings.

When Apple stops signing iOS 13, downgrading from iOS 14 using the steps below will not work. In the meantime, iOS 14 beta can be uninstalled from your device.


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