Can I download Life of Black Tiger on my iPhone/iPad?

Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
In case you haven't heard, Life Of Black Tiger is the new Flappy Bird. Made popular by the Angry Video Game Nerd and Gilbert Gottfried, Life of the Black Tiger is so bad that it is good. Described as an "action" game, Black Tiger follows a tiger who was abandoned by his family and must survive on his own. The black tiger is bitter and hellbent on terrorizing his furry neighbors, such as innocent bunnies, giraffes and human villagers.
Submitted by Anders Batten on
Niantic and WB Games have announced a release date for their newest augmented reality title, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. The new game will use the same AR technology that drives Pokémon Go, but will include artefacts, creatures and people from the Wizarding World, instead of cute monsters to collect. Something has caused items from the Harry Potter universe to mysteriously start appearing in the Muggle world. It is up to players to band together to return these "Foundables” to their rightful place.
Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
The Frozen Soul in Kingdom Rush Vengeance is one of the most frustrating enemies in the Kingdom Rush franchise. A little ghost like creature that spawns after the death of Frozen Heart, can only be killed in 8 seconds before it is resurrected. They're also unblockable with guards or heros, and it seems like towers do no or very little damage to them. These little nuisances can be found in all the Frozen Nightmare campaigns (Breaking the Ice, Into the Mountains, The Frozen Throne), including the Heroic and Iron challenges.
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Call of Duty has had an interesting history on mobile devices. Besides the popular Black Ops Zombies, most of the Call of Duty mobile titles have all but disappeared from the App Store. Activision plans to right its mobile wrongs with a new title built from the ground up for touchscreen devices. Call of Duty: Mobile promises to deliver the full Call of Duty experience on smaller screens.