Get iPhone iOS 5 Features Now: Use FaceTime Over 3G
Submitted by Frank Macey on
iPhone 4 owners who use FaceTime are no doubt familiar with the FaceTime Unavailable message: Turn on cellular data or use Wi-Fi to use FaceTime. Reports indicate that Apple may be planning to enable FaceTime over 3G with the release of iOS 5. This is a welcome change however some wireless carriers might not allow the practice, especially with unlimited data plans.

Fortunately you can ensure 3G access to FaceTime right now with a jailbreak Cydia package called My3G. We've featured My3G as a must-have app in the past and for $3.99 it's still worth every penny. Not only this, but My3G will also allow other data apps to use the 3G connection instead of operating on Wi-Fi only.