
How do I jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.1 with PwnageTool?

PwnageTool 4.1.2 has been released by the iPhone Dev-Team. Here's how to jailbreak your iPhone using this convenient and powerful tool.

1. Download and decompress the PwnageTool application from the iPhone Dev-Team blog.

2. Launch the PwnageTool and select your iOS device. You have the choice of Simple or Expert modes. We're guessing if you're reading this FAQ you should probably use Simple mode.

iPhone Dev-Team Releases PwnageTool 4.1.2 Jailbreak

Dev-Team has released an updated version of their simple and powerful PwnageTool jailbreak software. The new version combines the pwnage2 exploit with the pf kernel exploit from comex and geohot's limera1n. PwnageTool results in an untethered jailbreak of iOS 4.1, allowing unauthorized software to run on your device.

apple iphone 4 jailbreak pwnage tool 4.1.2

The second-generation Apple TV is now included in the PwnageTool device list, as well as iPads running firmware 3.2.2. Right now the Dev-Team is offering a Mac OS X version of PwnageTool, and as normally happens development of a Windows version is probably underway.

How do I jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.0 / 4.1 with Greenpois0n?

Now almost all iOS devices running iPhone firmware 4.1 are jailbreakable with Greenpois0n. To jailbreak iOS devices running firmware 4.0 / 4.01 / 4.02 use Limera1n. To jailbreak your iPhone with Greenpois0n use the following instructions:

1. First you should save your SHSH files and download Greenpois0n to your computer.

2. Run the Greenpois0n application.

3. Power off your iPhone and connect it to the computer with the USB cable.

How do I jailbreak iPhone iOS 4.0 / 4.1 with Limera1n?

iOS devices can now be jailbroken when running iOS 4.0 and later thanks to Limera1n. To jailbreak your iPhone follow these instructions:

1. First make sure to save your SHSH files and download Limera1n to your computer.

2. Connect your iPhone to the USB port on your computer and run Limera1n. Click the button on your computer screen that says "make it ra1n."

3. Put the iPhone in DFU mode by following the on-screen instructions in Limera1n.

Dev-Team Jailbreaks Apple TV: iPhone iOS 4.1 Next

We know that MuscleNerd was showing off his brand new jailbroken iPod touch 4G the other day. Looks like the same iOS vulnerability has just been used to jailbreak a second-generation Apple TV. After successfully using the SHAtter exploit MuscleNerd posted video of the Apple TV being accessed with ssh.

apple TV dev team jailbreak

SHAtter tricks the Apple TV into restoring with a pre-jailbroken IPSW from PwnageTool. The same exploit should work across all iOS devices including the iPhone 4. Chronic Dev Team members are developing jailbreak tools for public release based on the SHAtter bootrom vulnerability. This method will be much more difficult for Apple to contend with, as a firmware update can't prevent the issue.


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