Mobile Safari

How to Add Extensions to Safari in iOS 8

With iOS 8, Apple has finally given third party developers access to some iOS features, including Photos, the keyboard and Safari among others. The new feature, called Extensions, allows third party apps to access and share data with iOS apps. For Safari this means that you can add "Action Extensions" for applicable apps and then use their tools without ever leaving Safari. For example, if you have a password manager like LastPass, for instance, you can add that extension and then use LastPass from within Safari. Here's how you set up extensions in Safari:

1. Open Safari and tap the Share button (bottom middle).

How to set up extensions in Safari in iOS 8

2. This brings up a variety of options. Scroll to the right on the bottom level until you see the "More" icon. Tap on it.

How do I use "Reader View" in Safari?

Flashing ads, sidebars cluttered with more ads and polls and links, pop-ups, etc. can be really annoying when you are trying to read an online article on your iPhone or iPad. Apple's Safari browser has a "Reader View" feature that does away with all the nonsense and lets you focus on the text. When you load a web page, if it is compatible with reader view, you will briefly see "Reader View Available" in the address bar, then a list icon on the left side of the bar. Just tap the icon and you'll be in reader mode.

Add More Features to Safari with Canopy for iOS 7

Some jailbreak tweaks are simple. Others are comprehensive in their scope, and fundamentally change stock iOS apps for the better. Canopy for iOS 7 is in the latter category, adding a plethora of new features to Safari. With many of these additions to the default Safari app, the user may wonder why Apple hasn't already included them in the stock app.

iOS 7 jailbreak new Safari features

When it comes to Canopy, the iOS software team is surely looking at the work of developer Jonathan Bailey. It would not be surprising if some features from Canopy arrive in a future version of Mobile Safari. In the meantime, jailbreakers can install Canopy for iOS 7 and enjoy a more powerful version of Safari on their mobile devices.


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