
How to Type Even Faster on the iPhone Keyboard

Looking for a way to improve typing on the iOS virtual keyboard? We've seen how the must-have jailbreak tweak SwipeSelection makes it easier to move the cursor when entering text. Now there's a new tweak in town that further improves the iPhone keyboard, known as AltKeyboard.

AltKeyboard tweak Cydia iOS

Those with jailbroken iPhones running iOS 6 or later can install AltKeyboard from Cydia to quickly type non-alphabetic characters or numbers, without tapping the "123" button. This means no more switching back and forth between keyboards just to enter a single number or question mark. AltKeyboard makes it possible to swipe up on the keys, which will type the alternate character pictured at the top of the key.

Add a Flash to the Front-Facing iPhone Camera

Wouldn't it be great if your front-facing camera on the iPhone had a flash? Granted, it's probably not something that's needed very often, but having the option is a plus. Now there's another way to add a front flash, with the appropriately named jailbreak tweak FrontFlash. After all, why should only the rear facing camera benefit from a flash in low light?

FrontFlash tweak iOS Cydia

Once installed, FrontFlash provides two options in settings, one to enable the tweak while shooting video and the other to enable during still photos. Let's face it, the front camera on the iPhone still leaves something to be desired when it comes to low light situations. In fact, most of the energy towards developing a quality image has gone into the rear facing camera overall.

Get a Louder Speakerphone with Volume Amplifier

The speakerphone on the iPhone 5 may have improved volume over previous models, but in some situations it's still not enough sound when you're trying to hear someone's voice. Luckily for those with a jailbroken iPhone 5 running iOS 6, there's a tweak called Volume Amplifier that boosts speaker or headphone volume beyond the normal 100 percent when calling.

Amplify Volume tweak iOS

Once installed, simply keep pressing the volume up button beyond the normal maximum and the sound will be increased up to 200 percent. Volume Amplifier has no settings to configure and will not install an application icon on the home screen. The tweak works by directly manipulating the audio stream to increase the sound level noticeably.

10 Crazy and Unbelievable Apps That Deserve to be Banned From the App Store

Even with Apple's strict guidelines, a few unbelievable and mind boggling apps have made their way into the App Store. Here is a quick look at some of the most horrible, offensive and useless apps ever created for the iPhone and iPad.

#10. Pocket Heat

Release Date: January, 2010
Banned: Still available
Download link ($0.99)

Useless iPhone Apps: Pcoket Heat

Pocket Heat used to drain your battery and overheat your iPhone to keep your hands warm, but now it's just a "faux heater" that does its "best to heat you up using nothing more than pixels and sound waves". It looks like Apple wasn't happy about people turning their iPhones into portable heaters based on the App's official App Store message to haters:

"To all the negative comments - the app used to create heat by using the GPS, accelerometer and other things. This is no longer the case as Apple would not allow that functionality in this instance. We apologize for the confusion, but our descriptions and updates have always told what the app does."

It's Almost Here! Official Kingdom Rush Frontiers Trailer Released

Ironhide Game Studios has released the official Kingdom Rush Frontiers trailer. Frontiers is the sequel to the highly popular tower defense game Kingdom Rush. The gameplay for Frontiers looks unchanged, but the trailer reveals all new terrains, towers and enemies like giant scorpions and evil genies. The game also features three new heroes that were previously showcased in their own individual videos.

Kingdom Rush and Kingdom Rush Frontiers are tower defense games set in the Medieval times. In the original game, players must use a combination of towers, and magic spells to defeat armies of goblins, trolls and other mythical creatures. Kingdom Rush is considered one of the best tower defense games ever released. The original is available for the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad for $0.99. There is also an HD version available for the iPad.


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