
Photography Gets Better with iPhone iOS 5: A Complete List of New Features

The iPhone has already surpassed other cameras on photo-sharing sites like Flickr, and iOS 5 and the next generation Apple iPhone are sure to accelerate this trend in the fall. Many improvements are in the works for iPhone photography in the next generation firmware.

iOS 5 photography enhancements

Not only this, but the iPhone 5 hardware will likely include an 8 megapixel sensor from suppliers OmniVision and Sony. So what improvements have already been seen in the beta versions of iOS 5? Read on for a complete list.

iOS 5 iPhone Voice Control Feature 'Assistant' Leaks

Sure the iPhone already has voice control commands, just hold down the home button and tell your device to call someone or play a tune. iOS 5 could bring voice control to a whole new level of integration if recent reports from 9to5Mac come true.

iOS 5 voice control integration

Apple has driven speculation that it is bringing improved speech-to-text technology or even voice navigation to iOS 5 since its 2010 acquisition of Siri and recent partnership with Nuance. Both companies currently have free applications in the App Store that heavily utilize voice recognition technology.

Get iPhone iOS 5 Features Now: Access Camera from Lock Screen

One of the more useful features coming to iOS 5 in the fall adds a camera button to the iPhone lock screen, speeding up access to the Camera app. Missing a photo because you need to unlock, enter your passcode, find the Camera app and snap the picture can be a drag. If your iPhone is jailbroken, a free tweak called CameraLock simplifies access to the photography app of your choice right now.

CameraLock Cydia tweak install

CameraLock has a few adjustable options, including Bypass Passcode and Don't Lock Back. If Bypass Passcode is set to ON, tapping the camera icon from the lock screen will immediately open the Camera app. Don't Lock Back is set to OFF by default, so that when you're finished shooting photos the iPhone automatically returns to the lock screen.

How to Get Unlimited Skips in Pandora

Pandora users are limited to the amount of times they can skip a song depending on what type of account they have. This restriction can be annoying by causing you to get stuck listening to songs that you don't care for or heard too many times. Luckily there is a way to get unlimited skips thanks to Cydia.

Pandora skips hack

Due to the terms of Pandora's music licenses, Pandora One listeners are only allowed to skip 6 songs per hour (per station). Free listeners are limited to 12 skips per day. Giving a song a "Thumbs Down" or "I'm tired of this song" rating after it is finished, does not count as a skip. But if you truly grow tired of a song, and decide to make it official while its playing, it will cost you one skip.

Did Google Pull Google Books From the App Store?

The Google Books app has been missing from the iTunes App Store for about a week. 9to5Mac reached out to Apple and Google on Thursday, but no answer from either party has left them wondering why it disappeared. Google Books was just launched last year, and received an update this past April. Why do all that work to only pull the plug a few months later? Or did Apple kick them out?

Google Books

9to5Mac points to Apple's new TOS that gives them 30% of all sales (they also mention Harry Potter, but what did he ever do to Apple?):


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