
Limera1n and Greenpois0n iPhone Jailbreak Tools

The jailbreak community has been active lately. Thanks to a surprise release of the limera1n jailbreak tool from Geohot, the release of Greenpois0n was delayed. Now both hacks use the same unpatchable bootrom exploit and are available to the iOS device-owning public.

apple iphone jailbreak limera1n geohot comex

In the meantime, the SHAtter exploit initially planned for Greenpois0n has been shelved for future use. Apple will surely fix the bootrom exploit in the next round of iOS hardware, however this time the jailbreak developers have a countermeasure ready for action.

Panasonic iPhone Dock Includes Digital Media Frame

With Panasonic's MW-20 digital photo frame, you can show off the photos, videos and music on your iPhone in style. The MW-20 stands in portrait or landscape orientation on a flat surface or can be mounted to a wall for that hanging picture effect.

apple iphone dock photo frame panasonic

The iPhone docks and shares content with a nine-inch high-resolution LCD screen, and a built-in 5.6mm speaker provides audio. The MW-20 also includes two GB of internal storage and fifteen different display patterns for photos.

Your iPhone Apps are Watching You

You've probably never asked the question, "What is an Apple UDID?" This acronym stands for Unique Device IDentifier, and every iOS device has one. The UDID itself is a 40-character string including numbers and letters that is unique to your iPhone hardware. Apple sets standards for how the UDID should be used by application developers to protect user privacy.

apple iphone app privacy security UDID

A new study by Bucknell University security researcher Eric Smith has found that third-party app developers may not be following the rules. Some apps send private data such as name and location data from your iPhone in plain text along with the UDID. Some secure the transmissions with SSL, however this also means that the data being sent to external servers is unknown.

Dev-Team Jailbreaks Apple TV: iPhone iOS 4.1 Next

We know that MuscleNerd was showing off his brand new jailbroken iPod touch 4G the other day. Looks like the same iOS vulnerability has just been used to jailbreak a second-generation Apple TV. After successfully using the SHAtter exploit MuscleNerd posted video of the Apple TV being accessed with ssh.

apple TV dev team jailbreak

SHAtter tricks the Apple TV into restoring with a pre-jailbroken IPSW from PwnageTool. The same exploit should work across all iOS devices including the iPhone 4. Chronic Dev Team members are developing jailbreak tools for public release based on the SHAtter bootrom vulnerability. This method will be much more difficult for Apple to contend with, as a firmware update can't prevent the issue.

Use Your iPhone as a USB Drive (No Jailbreak!)

Your iPhone has plenty of storage space, only thing is every time you connect it to your computer iTunes runs the show. Wouldn't it be great to carry your files around with you and not have to worry about a separate USB drive? iPhone Explorer is free software for Mac and Windows that makes this possible.

apple iphone explorer free usb disk

The application opens up the flash memory of your iPhone into simple-to-use drag and drop folders. Files can be transferred to and from your computer hard drive right over the USB connection. iPhone Explorer is compatible with all iPhone models and works with OR without a jailbreak.


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