
Apple Releases iTunes 7.6.1

Apple released a new version of iTunes today, version 7.6.1. The new version of iTunes is available as either a direct download, or through iTunes' software update. This new version of iTunes isn't considered a major update, by any means. According to Apple's release notes, the update seems to provide some minor bugfixes, and feature additions which enhance compatibility with Apple TV 2.0.

iPhone Firmware 1.1.4 Confirmed - Developer Admits Leak, NDA Violation

As we reported yesterday, there has been some buzz recently about the iPhone firmware 1.1.4 being available sometime in the near future, perhaps at the same time as the upcoming release of the iPhone SDK. The breadcrumbs provided evidence originated at, which was formally a repository for unofficial third party applications software. Read yesterday's article for more information.

As it turns out, speculation that the information previously available on Tiny Code's website was likely in violation of a non-disclosure agreement between Tiny Code and Apple was spot on. At least, that is, according to one of Tiny Code's own developers. In a recent post on Macrumors forum, one of Tiny Code's developers stated

Cell Phone Use Linked to Cancer

Since mobile phone usage became widespread, there has been an ongoing debate - albeit more prominent at times than others - about the likelihood of cancer and other negative health effects being caused by the use of cellular telephones. According to a new study out of Israel, conclusive links have been established between heavy users of cell phones and the incidence of cancer.

iPhone Usage 50 Times Higher than Other Mobile Phones?

The latest news regarding regarding wireless access to the internet suggests that iPhone owners may use these features on their phones between 30 and 50 times more than typical owners of other models. The numbers have apparently come as such a shock to their originators - sources such as Apple, Google, and German iPhone service provider Deutsche Telekom AG - that some have gone back and double-checked their figures.


New GUI Single Step iPhone Jailbreak/Unlock for 1.1.3

Earlier this week, ZiPhone was released and was the first tool available that provided not only a direct jailbreak for iPhones running 1.1.3, but did so in one step. Though pretty darn convenient, ZiPhone was still a command line application, which can scare off some of the less technically inclined iPhone owners out there.


For those who dare not utilize their command shells and others who prefer a GUI application comes good news in the form of iJailbreak version 0.5.3, albeit only for


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