
Verizon Wireless Passed on iPhone 2 Years Ago

It is now being widely reported that Verizon Wireless had the first chance to be the exclusive distributor of Apple's iPhone in the United States. According to Verizon Wireless vice president Jim Gerace, Verizon Wireless was offered the partnership first, but simply "said no." Verizon explained that the two companies could not come to an agreement that was mutually beneficial.


I've heard Apple will make a 50 percent profit on the iPhone, is this true?

Probably. An industry analysis firm named iSuppli recently performed a teardown analysis on BoM (bill of materials) costs involved with the iPhone, added estimates on royalties and other costs Apple will incur, and have estimated that that iPhone will cost Apple roughly $280 to make. At that price, there's plenty of room for Apple to make $200-$300 profit on each unit they sell.



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Apple iPhone Announced

Well, we've finally got a reason to exist!

After almost a year of speculation, the Apple iPhone has been announced. During an almost two hour keynote address by Steve Jobs today, months of rumors and second guessing have been laid to rest. Apple has announced what time may prove to be the most innovative device it has ever designed and produced.



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