Pocket Mortys
What do the rock, paper, scissors icons mean in Pocket Mortys?
The rock, paper, scissors icon displayed next to a Pocket Mortys' name is a much simpler version of the Pokémon class system, such as water or rock type Pokémon. You can use these icons to gain an advantage over your opponents.
How do I get Morty Manipulator Chips to capture additional Pocket Mortys?
UPDATE: Morty Manipulator Chips will eventually appear in Salesman Rick's Shop for $500 Schmeckles once you win 3 badges.
UPDATE #2: You can craft Morty Manipulator Chips using the recipes below. You can see more crafting recipes here.
Adult Swim's Pocket Mortys now available on the App Store
Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
The highly anticipated mobile game based on the popular Adult Swim cartoon Rick and Morty is now available on the Apple App Store. Pocket Mortys has landed one day early and it is already receiving great reviews from critics and players. The game is a parody of Pokémon, where players must collect different Mortys instead of cute creatures. There are over 70 different Mortys to recruit, different Ricks to battle and tons of characters from the show, such as Mr. Poopy Butthole and Birdperson.