
How do I turn a video into a picture on my iPhone?

You can turn a frame of video on your iPhone into a still photo by taking a screenshot. Just pause the video where you want to take the picture and quickly press the home and sleep buttons simultaneously.

The screen will turn white and the shutter release sound will be heard (If you hold the buttons too long the iPhone will go into sleep mode). The image will appear in your camera roll.


iPhone 4S Untethered Jailbreak Only a Few Days Away [Video]

Chronic Dev Team member Dustin Howett posted a video of a jailbroken iPhone 4S on YouTube a few days ago. The video shows the A5 device running Cydia after it has been powered off and on. Howett also proves that Siri still functions by asking her to check the weather.

iPhone hacker and Corona developer pod2g republished the video on his blog saying that a release is only a few days away. It only took pod2g nine days to release his A4 untethered jailbreak after he posted a similar video of a jailbroken iPhone 4 on YouTube.

Was The Avengers Filmed With an iPhone?

Cinematographer Seamus McGarvey raised a lot of eyebrows when he told he used an iPhone to film some scenes for The Avengers.

“The beauty of photography or cinema is that you make every choice based on the content at hand. On The Avengers, I did a couple of shots on the iPhone and they are in the movie. In fact, they are in the trailer! I understand that sometimes there is no choice and you have to go for the cheapest option, but if you are limited for choice, you can still make poignant decisions that will effect the look of the film."

Iron Man 2012

The Avengers is Marvel Studios most ambitious film to date, rumored to have cost over $200 million. The studio probably wasn't very happy when their director of photography told the world it was filmed on a cell phone. McGarvey later clarified he only shot one mobile phone POV using an iPhone.

Video Shows Siri Working on iPhone 4

The mystery as to why Siri is exclusive to the iPhone 4S just got a little more interesting. 9to5Mac ported the voice command system from the iPhone 4S to the iPhone 4. In the video below, developer Steven Troughton-Smith demonstrates how Siri looks on the device.

9to5 claims it can recognize spoken commands and speak back to the user. The only problem is Apple's servers are not authenticating commands from the iPhone 4 hardware. Apple fans have been debating whether other iOS devices like the iPad 2 can handle Siri's AI. 9to5's discovery proves there are no technical reasons for Siri being exclusive to the iPhone 4S.

Park4U iPhone App Remotely Parks Your Car [Video]

I keep trying to think of a scenario where I would want to park my car while standing next to it. I guess an automatic parking app could come in handy for tight fits that offer little door room. 9to5Mac discovered a video of auto-parts supplier Valeo parking a car using nothing but an iPhone.

At the end of the video, a Valeo representative stands outside a Volkswagen Sharan and parks it using an iPhone (:55 mark). The Automatic Park4U system doesn't control steering, that's left to several sensors that can parallel park with just 22 inches of clearance.


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