Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Pandora users are limited to the amount of times they can skip a song depending on what type of account they have. This restriction can be annoying by causing you to get stuck listening to songs that you don't care for or heard too many times. Luckily there is a way to get unlimited skips thanks to Cydia.

Due to the terms of Pandora's music licenses, Pandora One listeners are only allowed to skip 6 songs per hour (per station). Free listeners are limited to 12 skips per day. Giving a song a "Thumbs Down" or "I'm tired of this song" rating after it is finished, does not count as a skip. But if you truly grow tired of a song, and decide to make it official while its playing, it will cost you one skip.
So how do you skip Pandora's skipping limit? There is a free Cydia tweak called PandoraSkips for jailbroken devices that allows you to eliminate not only the skipping limit, but the ads.
Warning, using this tweak will put you in violation of Pandora's terms of use!