Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
Apple has released its 12 Days of Gifts app to the U.S. App Store. This is the first time the free gift guide has been available in the United States, but there is a catch, the application requires iOS 7 or later to download.

iPhone and iPad users who are running iOS 7 can download the app now for free from the App Store. The app allows users to download 1 gift a day starting on December 26 to January 6. Gifts include songs, apps, books, movies, and games. Each free download only lasts 24 hours, but you can set up the app to notify you each time a new gift is available so you don't miss out.
Only Apple knows what free gifts it will be handing out this year, but prior freebies have included TV shows like How I Met Your Mother, games like Sonic Jump, and even classic movies.
Don't forget, you need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network to download any movies / TV shows and any files larger than 100MB.