Submitted by Anders Batten on
Adobe is known for making complex software like Photoshop, not releasing free apps for Apple products, but that's exactly what the company did this week. Adobe's new iOS App called Voice is geared towards professionals and students, but it is also accessible to your basic consumer. Adobe describes its new video creation tool as a new way to breathe "new life into static presentation formats".

The app allows users to create animated video presentations to be used on social media or shared on mobile devices. Adobe Voice promises to be easier than shooting a video and better way to get your message across than using a slide-show presentation.
Users can use their own voice, ready-made templates and music to create 60- to 90-second videos. The app features over 25,000 images and icons, graphic effects such as real-time motion blur and 3D, fonts and easy-to-use touch-based controls. Users can also upload their own photos or images from the Web. The videos can then easily be shared on Facebook, Twitter or embedded onto a blog or website.
Adobe Voice - Show Your Story is available for free on the Apple App Store. It is only compatible with the iPad running iOS 7.0 or later and it is a 217 MB download.