Submitted by Anders Batten on
On Thursday, Microsoft announced that its Office apps for the iPad have been updated with iPhone and Dropbox support. The software company also launched a sign-up page for its Office for Android tablet preview and noted that it is working on new, touch-optimized Office apps for Windows 10.

Microsoft's Word, Excel and PowerPoint apps are available separately for free on the Apple App Store. Users can create and edit documents with a free Microsoft account, but a "qualifying Office 365 subscription is required to unlock the full Office experience". A yearly Office 365 Personal subscription is available for $69.99 through Microsoft's online store. A Personal subscription can be used with one mobile device and one additional computer.
You can also purchase an Office 365 Home subscription for $100 a year. This allows you to use up to five computers and five mobile devices with the service. Both subscription plans are also available as in-app purchases within all three apps.
You can download Word, Excel and PowerPoint for free on both the iPad and iPhone now on the App Store. All three apps support all devices running iOS 7.1 or later and have been optimized for both the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.