Now that the voice-activated Siri personal assistant has been integrated into Apple TV, many users are wondering exactly what questions Siri is capable of answering. Searching Apple TV is the tip of the iceberg, as the Siri Remote will answer a long list of questions like the following:
1. Tell Siri to run apps or play games
2. Ask her what's the temperature outside, or weather related queries
3. Find out who directed the content you're watching, or the release date
4. Get cast members, titles, search by genre, filter results by Rotten Tomatoes rating (say: only show me the best ones, for example)
5. Ask Siri for game scores or to track stock prices
6. Access the Apple TV Settings directly using Siri
7. Turn on and off closed captioning
8. Control playback (jump to a time, fast forward, etc.)
9. Tell Siri to turn on Enhanced Speech Mode, to boost dialogue and lower the volume on music and sound effects
10. Ask Siri to repeat missed dialogue (say: what did he just say, for example)