New iOS Apps, Games and JB Tweaks of the Week: XCOM: Enemy Within, Duck Commander and More
Submitted by Sammy Snyder on
The jokes about the Robertson family releasing a Duck Dynasty tower defense game for iOS devices write themselves, but what's really weird is that the game, which has been available for a couple of days now, only has one review on the App Store. This is kind of shocking for a popular television show that's been surrounded in so much controversy lately. If you like religious bigots and tower defense games then you may want to check it out. Duck Commander: Duck Defense is now available on the App Store for for $1.99.

Ironhide Game Studio announced this week that Kingdom Rush Origins will be released to mobile devices on November 20, 2014, and SEGA is releasing the real-time strategy game Chain Chronicle worldwide on December 8th. You can see trailers for both upcoming games in the trailer section at the bottom of this post.