
DC to Offer Entire Comic Book Library in the iBookstore

Comic book publisher DC Entertainment announced it will be offering its entire line of DC and Vertigo comics through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple. iPhone, iPad and iPod owners will be able to access and download monthly titles via Apple's iBookstore. This makes DC the first comic publisher to offer its line-up across all major e-bookstore platforms.


"As e-readers and tablets continue to explode in popularity it's important for us to offer consumers convenience and choice in how they download digital comics and graphic novels and these new distribution deals with the top three e-bookstores do just that," said Jim Lee, co-publisher, DC Entertainment. "We're very excited to work with Amazon, Apple and Barnes & Noble to bring bestselling DC Comics and Vertigo periodicals to their e-bookstores."

Asylum Press Announces Free Comic Sampler for iOS Devices [Free Comic Book Day]

Asylum Press is releasing a 32 page sampler comic via comiXology for the iPad and iPhone on May 5th for Free Comic Book Day. The sampler will feature 8-page previews of their titles Trenchcoats, Cigarettes and Shotguns, Black Powder, Farmhouse and Chopper. Aylum Press Sampler Free Comic Book 2012 #1 will also be available for Android devices, the KindleFire and Nook.

Aylum Press

"We're excited about the possibility of reaching new fans on Free Comic Book Day,“ explains publisher Frank Forte. "People will be going to comics stores in droves, but they'll also be on their tablets and iPads. Mobile device and smart phone ownership keeps growing at an amazing rate and we want to provide great comics to these readers. Digital comics are the return of the newsstand."

Comics Giant Marvel Cuts iPhone Deal

Fans of comic books who have iPhones and live in the US will soon see Marvel titles come to their mobile devices. Three different comic book readers, Comics, iVerse Comics and Panelfly Comics have struck a deal with Marvel to bring its content to their apps.

Over 80 percent of published comics are released by comics giants Marvel or DC. This is the first time one of the two has entered the digital comics market on the iPhone.

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