Super 8 iPhone App is Super Cool Retro Fun
Submitted by Frank Macey on
Ever wish you could carry around an old Super 8mm film camera in your pocket just to get that unique looking footage? The Super 8 iPhone app converts your iOS device into a retro film camera without all the trouble of film developing, light leaks and mechanical malfunction. The app even features a projection room, where you can pull down a screen and watch your edited creations.

Super 8 is free for a limited time, and is part of a promotion for the real-life movie directed by J.J. Abrams titled Super 8, which will be released by Paramount Pictures on June 10. As you play back your films in the projection room the app ties into the movie by revealing missing frames which can be collected to unlock clips on When it comes to the recording capabilities of Super 8, the app is a full-featured retro film machine.