iPhone 4S Jailbreak Update: Good and Bad News
Submitted by Marshall Walker on
The good news is iPhone hacker pod2g is still working on his promised untethered iPhone 4S jailbreak. The bad news is he's having "processor cache" issues. Pod2g wrote on his blog:
"Here is the news of the 4S week-end.The untether fails right now because I'm having processor cache issues. I'm close, but I can't figure out what happens. It certainly has something to do with the Cortex-A9 cache management.I could sort it out quick, it's a matter of chance."

Pod2g excited the jailbreaking community when he successfully tested an untethered jailbreak on an iPod 4G and iPhone 4 running iOS 5.0.1 a few weeks ago. Currently their is no jailbreak for the iPhone 4S, but recent progress by pod2g and the Chronic Dev Team point to one being released soon. Pod2g promised another update on his progress tomorrow.