Submitted by Fred Straker on
Moving app icons around on the iPhone home screen is easy. Usually iPhone owners find a configuration that works, however sometimes it can help to start from scratch. The good news is that iOS has a built-in function to reset the home screen layout to factory settings. Moving each app around in wiggle mode isn't necessary to make this happen. Here are instructions on how to quickly reset the iPhone home screen icons to the default layout.

1. Navigate to Settings -> General -> Reset
2. Select Reset Home Screen Layout
3. Confirm by selecting Reset Home ScreenOnce confirmed, the home screen will be restored instantly to the factory app icon layout. But what about non-Apple apps that are installed on your device?
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Any third-party apps will automatically be organized in alphabetical order, starting on the second page of the home screen. This means any folders that have been configured in the past will be removed as well. In any case, this shortcut provides an easy way to reorganize all iOS apps.