Simplify the iOS Lock Screen with this Tweak

Some of the best jailbreak tweaks only do one thing. Simplicity is the word to describe NoSTUArrow, which removes the off-center Slide to Unlock arrow from the iOS 7 lock screen. There are other ways to achieve this effect, however NoSTUArrow makes it easy.

iOS 7 jailbreak NoSTUArrow

Eliminating the arrow from the left side of the Slide to Unlock text happens immediately after NoSTUArrow is installed. The tweak can be found on Cydia for free, and has no options or settings to configure. Once the arrow, which looks like a mathematical "greater-than" sign, is removed the iOS 7 lock screen looks even cleaner.

Add Music Info to the iOS 7 Status Bar

Getting now playing info from anywhere on the iPhone home screen is the goal of the new jailbreak tweak #PlayMe. For those who use any number of music apps, getting the current track name in iOS 7 means navigating to the app or pulling up the Control Center. Now these extra steps can be avoided.

iOS 7 jailbreak PlayMe

Installing #PlayMe from Cydia results in now playing information being added directly to the iOS status bar. This means that while a track is playing, the song title and artist will cycle in the status bar. Adding this info to the lock screen and home screen provides a convenient way to see what's playing without much hassle.

Vine Adds the Ability to Send Messages to Your Friends and Family

Vine users can now send video or text messages to anyone listed in their Contacts app, or to other Vine members. To send messages via the Vine app, just select the “Messages” option in the Settings menu or tap the Message button on a person's profile.

Vine Messages

The new "VM" feature only offers the ability to start one-to-one conversations, not group chats. However, you can send as many video messages as you want, you just have to start separate conversations with each contact. Like Facebook, VM also includes two inbox options: The first option is for people you know, and the other is for "people outside your network". You can disable the option to receive messages from strangers by turning off the "Other Inbox" feature in your Settings menu.

Adult Swim's Castle Doombad Updated With 15 New Slaycation Levels

Adult Swim has released version 1.1 of its popular game Castle Doombad. The update adds 15 new "slaycation" levels, new traps and minions. The new traps include the Iron Maiden and a new manual trap called the Giant Boulder of Death. The new minion is a "spark" minion who zips along the castle walls and zaps heroes. The slaycation levels also up the ante by adding a second Beach Princess for players to protect, and introduce the new Hasselhoff Lifeguard and Galaxy Soldier heroes.

Adult Swim Castle Doombad

Castle Doombad is one of the best games released for mobile devices this year. Players must help Dr. Lord Evilstein fend off various heroes who are trying to invade his castle and steal back the princess he has kidnapped. Players can use a variety of automated traps, manual traps and little creatures to defend Evilstein's castle.

Unlock Hidden Dynamic Wallpapers in iOS 7

With the launch of iOS 7 Apple included dynamic wallpapers for the lock and home screens for the first time. Fans of the feature might be surprised to know that iOS 7 has five additional moving wallpapers that are hidden by default. This brings the total number of built-in dynamic backgrounds to 12.

unlock hidden iOS 7 wallpaper

To unlock these hidden dynamic wallpapers the iOS 7 device must be jailbroken. A free tweak named HiddenWallpapers does the trick. Simply install from Cydia and respring to reveal the additional five dynamic wallpaper options under Settings -> Wallpapers & Brightness -> Choose Wallpaper.


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