How to make AirPods volume louder

AirPods Pro active noise cancellation

Can't get your AirPods volume loud enough? There are a few reasons why the volume level may not increase. First of all, you must be actively playing audio for iOS to recognize that you wish to change the volume for a specific app's audio output. Secondly, there could be a problem with your AirPods or your Bluetooth connection. Last but not least, the AirPods volume may be deliberately capped as a safety feature.

How to opt out of Verizon tracking on iPhone

Verizon wireless

Using an iPhone on the Verizon Wireless network? It may surprise you how much your service provider is tracking your every move while connected to its cellular towers. To provide enhanced personalization for Custom Experience and Custom Experience Plus for its customers, Verizon must collect data. Data such as your favorite apps, which websites you read, and where your iPhone is located.


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