Submitted by Marshall Walker on
Jailbreak developer Ryan Petrich has released a new tweak called BrowserChooser in response to Google's popular iOS Chrome browser app being released yesterday. Petrich tweeted: “BrowserChooser is up on Loving Chrome for iOS so much that it had to be built.”

The tweak allows you to change your default browser to Google Chrome, Opera Mini, iCab Mobile, Dolphin Browser, Atomic Browser or Safari. You can toggle between all your available browsers in the Settings menu. Petrich's tweak arrived around the same time Chrome became the most downloaded free app in the App Store.
The Google Chrome browser allows you to perform speech searches, sync your browsing between devices and use swipe gestures to navigate tabs. Chrome is a little slower than Safari since Apple doesn't allow 3rd party apps access to Javascript enhancements, but a lot of iPhone users still prefer it. The Google Chrome browser for the iPhone and iPad is free to download from the App Store.
If you do not have Petrich's repo installed in Cydia, you can add it by going to Manage > Sources > Edit > Add, then type This will allow you to download and install BrowserChooser on your jailbroken device.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Get Nitrous! It enables all apps to use Apples Nitro Javascript engine essentially making Chrome just as fast as Safari. One of the best tweaks I've gotten yet!