SearchEnable: Add Alternative Search Engines to Safari

SearchEnable is a new jailbreak tweak that allows you to add alternative search engines to Safari. The tweak adds Ask, Baidu, blekko, Sogu, Volunia, Yandex, Evi and WolframAplha to the Safari search engine options listed under Settings. SearchEnable basically gives you a few more international choices besides the popular U.S. options (Google, Yahoo and Bing) already included on your phone. Make sure you have the Safari app enabled under SBSettings or the Safari setting panel will not be available.

Jailbreak Tweaks

SearchEnable is available for free in Cydia via the ModMyi repo.


Very happy to know about it, I am just looking to change my default search engine..

Search Engines and switch between your different search engines directly from Safari. The developer has not updated the tweak for iOS 5.