Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Normally the iPhone supports one passcode at a time. This can be great for security, but difficult when multiple people need access or there are just too many PIN numbers and passwords to remember. Enter the jailbreak tweak MultiPass. Once installed, iOS 7 can be secured with up to six different passcodes.

Simply navigate to Settings -> MultiPass and enter up to five alternate 4-digit passcodes. Once entered tap the Home button to save. Next time the lock screen prompts for a passcode to unlock, any of the alternate passcodes will work. Of course, the original passcode entered in Settings -> General -> Passcode Lock will also provide access.
Any number of alternate passcodes from one up to five can be enabled. There is a built-in kill switch to disable the MultiPass tweak at any time. Multipass can simplify access to any iOS 7 device without disabling the passcode lock feature entirely. For example, multiple users can each have their own passcode to unlock a shared iPad or iPod touch.
Time consuming typos can even be circumvented by adding the commonly mistyped passcode into MultiPass. If you tend to tap the number seven when you mean to enter four, your alternate passcode could include the seven. Next time you mistype the passcode your device will unlock anyway, making it unnecessary to repeat the process.
MultiPass is available from Cydia on the BigBoss repository free of charge. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 7.x with evasi0n 7. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.