Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Answering incoming iPhone or FaceTime calls in a hands-free situation normally requires touching the display. Three times, to be exact. One tap to answer the call, once to select the audio source, and the third to switch to speaker. Using headphones can reduce this interaction to one press, however this also means the conversation will take place on the headphones, not the speaker.

HandsFree seeks to streamline the process for a truly hands-free experience when answering a call, no headphones required. This jailbreak tweak requires iOS 7.1 or later and an iPhone 5, 5c or 5s jailbroken by Pangu. Once installed, HandsFree makes it possible to answer a call on speakerphone by simply waving your hand over the device.
Answering a call on speaker can be achieved without touching anything. For these situations where tapping the screen is not possible, HandsFree activates the proximity sensor when an incoming call is detected. Since it's only active when needed, the tweak will not significantly impact battery life.
Settings can be configured to enable the number of waves needed to answer a call. Separate settings are available for locked and unlocked status, which can help to prevent accidentally answering a call when locked. Besides a toggle to disable HandsFree entirely, users can set the wave speed and opt to switch the speaker on even when headphones are connected.
HandsFree is available on Cydia from the BigBoss repo for $0.99. Jailbreaking iOS 7.1.x is now possible with Pangu. Check here for instructions on how to jailbreak iOS 7.0.x with evasi0n 7. You can also find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.