Submitted by Bob Bhatnagar on
Theming the iOS home screen with the help of tools like WinterBoard is a favorite pastime of jailbreakers. The tweak Vex brings customizations specifically designed for the Notification Center and Control Center. Using these themes can dramatically change this part of iOS 8.

Vex comes with a list of included themes for each section. For example, Notification Center comes with Classic, Default, Modern or Wood themes. When it comes to the Control Center, there are 10 options, including throwback Classic and iOS 7 options. Themes are previewed right in the Settings under Vex -> Configuration.
To get more themes, the developer's repo at must be added to Cydia. Click here for instructions on how to add a new repository to Cydia. Interested users can even create their own custom themes for the tweak.

The Control Center and Notification Center themes can each be toggled to return to the iOS 8 default design. Each theme is accompanied by a description in addition to previews of how it will look when implemented. Finally, Vex includes an option to change how CC and NC are animated. The option makes it possible to move the home screen out of the way, revealing CC and NC instead of scrolling them over the home screen icons like normal.
Vex is available from the BigBoss repo on Cydia for $0.99. To start customizing iOS, click here for instructions on jailbreaking iOS 8.0-8.1.2. Those with older firmware can jailbreak with Pangu (iOS 7.1) or evasi0n 7 (iOS 7.0). Find out how to purchase and install Cydia tweaks with this guide.Follow the iPhoneFAQ Twitter feed and stay tuned to Facebook for the latest jailbreak tweaks and news.